Thursday, May 15, 2008

Challenges, Challenges...

We've just applied for the National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant. If we're successful in winning the grant, the Library will receive nearly $350,000, which would be spread over a five-year period.

Outcomes would include highly developed collection management, preservation of fragile materials, digitization and automation of library services, improved programming and outreach, increased fundraising capabilities, eligibility for other grants, and the establishment of a general library endowment of nearly $600,000 by the fifth year. It is the kind of progress and growth cultural institutions relative to ours dream of.

We've already raised $130K of the $1.3M we need to raise over the next five years to meet the grant challenge. These are exciting times for the Library and we want you to be a part of it. You can help us meet the NEH challenge by going to the link we've created on the blog sidebar, or go directly to the AAC's donation page. Please indicate that your donation be applied toward the Library NEH Challenge Grant.

-Gary Landeck