Thursday, May 29, 2008

Access: the OCLC and Google way (Part I)

OCLC just signed an agreement with Google that will allow the two organizations to exchange data with one another. The result is that OCLC's WorldCat will now provide links to the digitized books in Google Books. In return, Google Books will provide a "find this book in a library" link, which takes researchers to a corresponding match in WorldCat.

In the past, WorldCat was mostly used by librarians and scholars. WorldCat has become a little more popular over the years with the general public, but this new relationship with Google will surely drive unprecedented traffic to WorldCat.

The relationship between OCLC and Google has one very important ramification for the AAC Library, which is that a near-direct link will be established between Google Books and the Library.

Beginning June 2, each newly cataloged book in the Library's catalog will have a link to its respective match in Google Books. More on that later.

-Gary Landeck