We get some great donations at the library. One of our patrons was cleaning out her attic a few weeks ago and found some early issues of Up Rope, a discontinued publication of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. The donation included several issues we were missing in our reference collection, including the first ten that were published! The first issues, dating from 1944 and '45, were in wonderful condition and would have otherwise been impossible to find. We're having them custom-bound into one nice volume.
Please consider the AAC Library if you're giving away your old mountaineering and climbing books and journals. Give us a call at 303/384-0112. Thank you!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
We Like Donations!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
New Resources
We've added a sidebar to this blog called "Books by AAC Members." Because the staff at the American Alpine Journal cannot review all of the books that authors and publishers send them (they receive dozens during the course of a year), we want to be sure authors who are AAC members get special mention.
Take a look at a new resource called Teton Climbing History: The Summit Register Archive. This site contains a collection of digital images of the Grand Teton National Park Summit Register Archive. The summit registers were maintained from about the late-1920s into the 1980s and they form a unique repository of Teton climbing history. We've added the archive to the "Climbing Resources" sidebar on this blog and the AAC's Online Climbing Resources webpage.